Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Trending Topics: #mybiggestmistake

The Shaw Youth Leadership Task Force decided to take note from the social networking world by centering their videos around the concept of the "trending topic". A "trending topic" is a feature used on twitter to call attention to issues that concerns a large group of people. Every few weeks the girls will produce a film that will deal with another trending topic. This weeks themes was "#mybiggestmistake". The hash mark/pound symbol is the way that a trending topic is symbolized on both twitter and other social networking sites. The following video and corresponding blog entry was written, filmed and produced by the teens. 

    Making mistakes are common for everyone, but learning from your mistake is where it counts. Teen pregnancy is a big issue in today's world, especially in the U.S. Practicing abstinence is the best way to not become pregnant. If you are having sex, it is best to practice safe sex by using condoms every time and talking to your doctor about other forms of birth control. You should also let someone close to you know about your sexual activities in case anything happens that may harm you or cause you danger. Always remember that there is a solution to your problems. Be safe and protect yourself.

We want to hear from you! Please let us know what you think! 


  1. I think it was great she felt comfortable coming to her bestfriend and telling her about the first time she had sex without a condom. Many women have sex without a condom for the same reason(No money,the guy wants to, it feels better, etc.) none which are good reasons unless you want to get pregnant. I loved that her friend gave her the right advice and no matter what was there for her.

  2. thumbs up! and why is Ms. Buckhead so cute? lol.

  3. Good job with your blog. We can relate to the topics and you give good advice. Cant wait for the next video. Our class is starting a blog as well, check us out :
