Monday, February 28, 2011

What's the biggest issue DC teens deal with?

The following blog post and correlating video was written, filmed and edited by DC Campaign Youth Leadership Task Force members from Woodson High school (Neshaun, Nae, Darlisha, Kayla, Diamond and Shanice). Please enjoy and feel free to leave comments and feedback.

Teen Pregnancy is affecting teens everywhere. Some teens are having sex at a young age and they are not protecting themselves from getting pregnant. Teens should always talk to an adult about having sex. Another issue many teens deal with is they don't know how to properly use condoms and that's why they don't use them when having sex.

If teens want to have sex they should go to someone they trust or to a clinic or doctor to help them learn how to protect themselves and how to use condoms and other forms of contraception. Teens should also stay educated on all the risks of  sex so they can be better equipped to make smart decisions.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Outstanding job, ladies!!!! what a powerful video! Congratulations on speaking out about issues that are important to you. Its important for your peers AND adults to hear your thoughts so that we can support you as you learn, grow and experience adolescence.
    Keep up the great work!!! I look forward to the next video!!!
    -Ms. Peters
